Wednesday, December 7, 2016


ethos-credibility of the speaker
logos-the logic the speaker uses
pathos-passion of the speaker

literary devices
diction-the words the author choices
syntax-the way the author arranges his words
theme-central message of the story
tone-authors attitude towards the audience and the topic
mood-emotion the reader has

how to format a essay?
any essay needs introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion

Verbal para verbal and non verbal
verbal- the things we say 5%
para verbal- the qualities of voice 95%
non verbal-any thing that has to do with things other than voice 95%

 theme of Richard Cory
you don't know someone unless they let you know them but first they have to know themselves

the art of being able to speck persuasively

every story has a conflict in it

romantics is the first genre that went away from colonial writing which was all about the government and god. Romanticism put people in stories which then made
 Gothics and transcendentalists

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


        Do  you know Jimmy Santiago Baca? Jimmy is a immigrant who for most of his life he fought to get every thing he has. When he went to prison, in there he learned to read through poems and also wrote poems in jail. Once he got out of jail he published most of his work starting with "Immigrants In Our Own Land." I feel that Jimmy's attitude towards life,learning, and prison changed once he learned to read and write in jail.

      Baca's attitude towards life changed greatly after he got out of prison. When he was younger his parents left him to fend for himself. Baca was lead to fighting people and selling drugs. His look on life before he went to prison for me was that we didn't really have a meaning and was just getting by and not pressuring something that would make a difference in the world. When he got out of prison he attitude towards life changed because he learned to read and reading is almost a pair of glasses because through reading we can see things from a different perspective then just ours.

     The attitude that Baca had towards learning was changed greatly after he got out of prison. Since he learned how to read in side of prison and started to read poetry and write his our it made him think differently of something he missed out on when he was younger. Baca didn't have much education when going in to jail but I feel that when he got out he was extremely grateful that he learned to read and write because it gave him another outlook on life. With reading I feel that it allows people to see into other peoples mindsets and understand where they are coming from on a certain topic.

     Baca has a different outlook on prison then most people do. He was sent to prison and instead of getting sad and down he used prison as a way to well learn to read and write. I fell that he thinks that it is a learning experience and a way to over come things that you cant really do in the outside world. Since he didn't learn how to read and write in school he learned to read and write inside of prison which would be really hard because it would he detracting.

   Baca's outlooks on life,learning and prison all changed while he was inside jail. He was a kid with nothing to really live for so he did his best to get buy which then lead him to get in jail. While in jail he finally learned how to read and write. Also he started reading and writing his own poetry and when he was released he published the poem "Immigrants in our own land." I feel that his experiences in jail made him step back and really find himself and what the true meaning of life and learning really was.


If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on your right side. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side.

Monday, December 5, 2016

ESSAY(pre write)

PROMPTDescribe Baca's attitude toward life, learning, and prison.  Use your analysis of diction and detail to support your points.

P1: Introduction to Baca and some back story to him and his attitude towards life learning and prison.

P2: Baca's attitude towards life

P3: Baca's attitude towards learning

P4: Baca's attitude towards prison

P5: Conclusion

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Theme: to be open minded and there is hope after something tragic
Tone: very serious
Mood: dark and depressing
Devices: some device that i saw was repetition

Monday, November 28, 2016


Remember that time you ate that spicy [chips] just before you went to bed on the night before the big [concert]?  Oh, that weird dream you had about the 2016 presidential election.  When you woke up you couldn't quite remember the [boring] details, but after reading "On Self-Reliance" and "A Sound of Thunder" it's all coming back to you now.

The dream started badly.  You were in line with your family at a [airport] waiting to be sent to [Hawaii].  Everywhere you looked there were posters of president-elect [Smegal], looking like a crazy [goblin] who could eat a whole [pie].   

Suddenly, there was Ralph Waldo Emerson telling you, "[
Ne te quaesiveris extra]."  You realized that you have something to contribute to the world so you decided to [freak].  But it wasn't easy.  First you had to put on a fancy [shirt] and [ring] and then you had make a [pizza] to go back in time to the [public place] so you could convince people to learn about the candidates and the [dank memes].

But right there in the [statue of liberty] there was a giant [taco] and it started [spiting] at everyone.  People started to [dance].  You grabbed a [shovel] from a nearby [Taco Bell] and yelled [DING DONG].  Everyone stopped and listened, so you kept going.

Friday, November 18, 2016


I don't understand why people cheat on a test that was almost made to be hard?

Thursday, November 17, 2016

sound of thunder study guide

Study Guide for Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder”

I. VOCABULARY: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they
appear in the story or class discussion.

annihilate_ to destroy
expendable-designed to be used only once and then abandoned or destroyed
infinitesimally- extremely small
primeval-of or resembling the earliest ages in the history of the world
resilient-able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed.

revoke-put an end to the validity or operation of (a decree, decision, or promise).
sheathed-encase (something) in a close-fitting or protective covering.
subliminal-below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.
taint-a trace of a bad or undesirable quality or substance.
undulate-move with a smooth wavelike motion.

II. LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the story.

foreshadowing-to hint to something that will happen in the future
Describe what is foreshadowed in this story: what is foreshadowed in the story is the things that will happen if Eckles screws with the past.
simile-a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid 
example:" Eckel's experience with the T-Rex is like one long horror movie from which he cannot awaken."
metaphor-a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
example:“The jungle was alive again, full of the old tremorings and bird cries. Eckels turned slowly to regard the primeval garbage dump, that hill of nightmares and terror.”
protagonist: the hero that we look to see that wins and fights for good
Who is the protagonist of this story?Eckeks

III. QUESTIONS: Answer the following questions.

1. What company does Eckels visit? TIME SAFARI . INC

2. What are the penalties for disobeying instructions? 10,000 MORE DOLLARS AND POSSIBLE GOVERNMENT ACTIONS WHEN YOU COME BACK

3. About what is Eckels thankful?

4. What did some people want to do if Deutscher had won the election and why? THEY WANT TOO

5. What does the man behind the desk tell Eckels happened last year that makes Eckels think about going on the safari? DOZENS OF HUNTERS AND 6 SAFARI LEADERS DIED LAST YEAR

6. Who is the Safari Leader? TRAVIS

7. How many people besides Eckels are on the trip? Name them. TRAVIS, LESPERANCE,BILLINGS, AND KRAMER

8. What does Travis tell Eckels is the best way to kill a dinosaur? SHOT THROUGH THE EYES TO BLIND THEM AND THEN THROUGH THE HEAD

9. When the hunters arrive at their destination, what does Travis tell them hasn’t happened yet in

10. How many years did the men travel?sixty million two thousand and fifty-five years 

11. What is the antigravity metal path and why must the men stay on it?It is the path that doen't touch the ground and if you go off of it you change the future

12. What happened to the machine and the men’s clothes before they made their journey? They disappeared

13. Why do the men wear oxygen helmets? because the air is different

14. What is unique about the dinosaurs that the men can shoot? they are covered in red paint

15. What is a paradox? something changes in the past but doesn't effect the future

16. What does Eckels jokingly pretend to do? aimed his rifle at random creatures

17. How does the reader know Eckels is afraid? he keeps bringing but the future and not the past

18. What does Eckels say when he sees the size of the dinosaur? IT IT

19. How do the men know which dinosaurs they can shoot? they are covered in red paint

20. Where was Eckels on his way to when he stepped off the path? ran into the jungle

21. What do Billings and Kramer do after the dinosaur is dead? sat on the path and threw up

22. What does Lesperance offer Billings and Kramer that they turn down? if they wanted a trophey picture

23. What does Travis tell Eckels they are going to do to him? kill him

24. What does Travis make Eckels do in order to go back with them?

25. What does Eckels notice about the sign on their return?

26. What does Eckels find on the bottom of his boots?

27. What does Eckels learn about the election?

28. What is the reader to infer that Travis does to Eckels?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


I am so stupid because i haven't done any of my math homework since October.

The Rock that Changed it all

   It was 2016 but, different of course. The outcome of WW2 was different there was no Hitler killing himself it was a body double. He was secretly at a meeting with the Japanese and talking about a plan that would make them the super power of the world. September 2nd, 1945 that was when it was supposed to end but 1 month exactly on October 2nd, 1945 the new bombs went off. They were a mix of  German and Japanese tech. The events that happen after were unthinkable nuclear war thousand dead and a world filled with chaos. The children of the new 2016 have had a long hard road and have almost lost every thing.


"Why are we here at this time? Like it is not that time to be out." said Danny with fear in his eyes.

 "I don't know Mike said that he saw something but it was probably nothing like it always is." said Tracy with sass.

This was a group of 2 brothers and 2 sisters who all were born to the same mother and father but due to tragedies is the world at that time right when all of them were a little older their parents fled and dropped them off at a shelter for children who would be safe from the outside world.

"No I sware there is something it was in the corner of my eye from our room." said Mike as he ran with a flashlight in one hand and holding his younges sister Lizzy's hand.

" You do know that we are so screwed if we get caught sneeking out right." said Tracy

as they ran through streets of ruble and smoke they reached a big rock in the middle of the road that had never been there. The kids have always been dragged from the shelter by Mike for years and know this place like the back of their hand.

"Whats this?" said Lizzy looking confused and excited.

"Well what ever it is we can't go near it." said Danny.

"But why this is something that just fell out of the sky you know it could mean that it is a distress call and maybe the war is over and maybe this world isn't just ruble and muck." said Mike with optimism.

"Yeah, even if it is a thing that says its all over what if it means we can get better lives then the ones that we were born into. Sure but what if we are doing that wrong this? What if it is another sign of war and all of us have to be enlisted even Lizzy." said Tracy

As constrant arguing was growing within that group the rock started to shake and open up. The rock was becoming a portal.

"Hey look the rock thingy is open!" said Lizzy with total shock.

But before any of them had any time to ay anything there was a big flash of light and poof. Our charaters are now in our 2016 the 2016 LA that we all know and love.

"Where are we?" said Danny as he looked in fear and confusion.

"Don't know don't care this place is so pretty it doesnt have all that crap every where." said Mike aregently.

Then from our of know where they heared a voice

"Hello my chilren." said the voice

"Ok did we go to heaven or somthing cause this is tripping me out." said Tracy

"No turn around." said the voice

They turned to see their mom and dad standing there but they looked some much different from the last time they saw their parents. The looked some much older and stressed out. The children ran at their parents and were so much more happy that they were back in their arms.

Their parents were scientists that worked aat an old abandoned UCLA. There they conducted work in time travel and time manipulation. They discovered that using diffrent parts from destroyed bombs and mixing an array of chemical toghether would be used to power a time machine. They called it G.S.U.A. which means god save us all.

It was almost like a jet pack and who ever wore it could go back it time but not forward. They used a interen who well just wasn't at the right place at the right time and went back and killed Hitler almost 3 months before he cunducted plans with the japanese.

When he did that a meteroid came down to the destroyed 2016 and made everything the way it should be. THE END 

Monday, November 14, 2016


I thought that this story was interesting the way that the author had made a safari for going back in time just to kill extincted animals. I also really liked that there was an awesome way that he used the time machine and that there was also someone who guided our hero to go. The ending was very weird and having a character dying is odd because he never said that he died but i think that he died. I thought that the story was a precursor for Jurassic Park and Back to the Future because it feels so similar and the same.

Sunday, November 13, 2016


2.              How would Emerson suggest that we learn (in school and elsewhere) in order to pursue our goals?  How would he view our school and career aspirations?  What would he suggest you do after high school, and how would he suggest that you prepare for this?

                             What is do you think traditional learning is? Emerson would have wanted us to learn from  each other than from some text books and boring teachers sitting up there and telling us what to do. Emerson would want us to go for the career that you have always wanted and do it no matter what anyone else says. I think that he would tell us that we should do what ever we want and not to be like every one else and be very different.

bjbb               If Emerson were to suggest that we learn from in school and elsewhere in order to pursue our goal he would suggest that we would have to learn from our peers and not that teachers. The reason i say that is because he believes is individuality and that any one can be a genius in their own way. That also means that if every one is extremely smart in their own way that means that we can all learn whole bunch from each other and now need any text books or teachers to tell us anything. On our goals he would want us to follow our heart and never let anything stand in your way when it comes it what you want to do with your life.

                      Emerson would view our school and career aspirations as doing what ever you feel like doing. I think that  Emerson would want us to follow our dreams and never do something cause someone else said that you have to do it. If Emerson was around today and someone asked what career he should take Emerson would probably say do what ever your heart wants to do. He would also say that if someone is doing a job you want you shouldn't follow in their foot steps you should find something else that you want to pressure. 
b                   Emerson would suggest that i should do after high school would be live your dream. He would tell us to prepare by studying that asking our peers and being if  it would be something that would be worth trying. Emerson would want us to think that we really what this and actually make us think that this is something that i want to do for the rest of my life. If i told Emerson that i wanted a career in music he would tell me that i should go for it and never stop but be careful you not get screwed.
ofo             I think that Emerson is someone that we can look to for many things such as guideness for careers `and what is wrong with our school systems. He is going to be remembered for ever because he made people thing outside the box and made them feel good about them selves.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Emmerson Presentations day 4

the soul is no traveler it is at home
"These are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world."

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Why can't we vote and how do people think that we are different.
there are things

what i must is to what we do but not what others concern me

they don't want you to be an individual they want you to be like every one else
people have to over come challenges in life and that people have to not change for things.
thee opportunity is to help us learn and help each other and school is a obstacle. I leaned from Marcos and Celif's presentation is that we need to ourselves and become what we want to be. Also that we have to not give up and don't let people make you who you are.

Robert chose this quote because it means that he has to trust and believe in themselves.

to them there was several ways to do things and achieve things
imagine people who have different paths that they go down even if there are obstacles

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


The quotes were all about thinking for yourself and being you and reasoning are how they met. The quotes the chose were:
The questions were simple they were like what does society is a wave means? it is that every thing is continuously moving and going forward and we cant stop it.The tone of this essay is nature,formal,serious,optimistic,inspirational,hopeful,sincere.
Her poster's quotes were very good and amazing because they are very true and have real depth such as the other people judge you for what you

if you are nobel i wont hurt you b
Jayden picked that quote because Emmerson talks about respect.


This quote can be used in many different situations and where every you are in the world.

I thought that i was going to do bad but i came in 3rd and the questions were all things that we covered in class so it was super easy and some of the questions had some real answers. The questions were very good and specific and when

The two quotes that Elvis and Etzell's quotes were what they had thought was their favorite in the essay.

Friday, November 4, 2016


This project is going to be a quote from the essay that we really enjoy and put it on a poster. The quote will be on the poster then under we will have our explanation on why we like this quote. Then put a picture of Emerson on the poster.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


             If I were to explain Emerson to a "young buck" it would be extremely difficult for me because he is so hard to understand. First I would tell a kid that this man if almost from a different time and things were different back then from now but his ideas are still around.
Then I would ask the kid what do you think the meaning of self reliant is? After I got the answer I would say that Emerson thinks that being self reliant is not listening to the people around you but to yourself.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


" He cumbers himself never about consequences, about interests: he gives an independent, genuine verdict"

"There are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world."

"We first share the life by which things exist, afterwords see them as appearances in nature, and forget we have shared their cause"

"His hidden meaning lies in our endeavors; our valor are our best gods"

"Ne te quaesiveris extra."

"Be yourself'

1. I found this quote and i thought that it was very true and meaning full.
2. When i found this quote i thought that it was so powerful and was just amazing.
3. Angle had this quote and it is great because it shows that nature made us the way we are.
4.I don't really understand this quote but Angle does
5. This quote is so true it is scary

Monday, October 31, 2016


According to Emerson I am self reliant. Which isn't every one already I mean at this age we are already thinking for ourselves and making our own decisions every if they might not be the best but. There is a almost bad reputation on people who don't obey rules or follow orders but when you can tell that thinking outside the box would work better than what someone else has in store for you take it. It will mean more to you and will make you see things differently. I fell that being self reliant is almost in stead of being a choice it is something that naturally happens and you can stop it but it can happen faster if you accept that it is there.


As I have to think of my self as now a author in progress is very odd I can't really understand Emerson and his writing because it is older and more technical then amy thing I even say. I feel that I need to just focus and try to understand the message that he has about how every one should just relie on themselves then on what other people have p say. I get that but he uses metaphors and other examples to make very hard to understand.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


The mind map is something that at first is just really messy and i don't understand the actual use of it. I have put somethings on the map and i have also seen that there is some things that people put that dont have any relation to what we are learning and there are about 3 or 4 vocab lists that say the same thing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


I did not enjoy this experience well because the seats in the auditorium were uncomfortable and for me i got really cold. The process of getting every one in was bad because they wanted to have every one line up 1 by 1. When we were leaving instead of doing to a row by row they did it by every 10 which took forever. The test was pretty hard but in some spots i fell i did better. In the math section i think i just sucked because i forgot i get a calculator which then made some problems extremely hard.

Monday, October 17, 2016

The art of hosting good conversations online

I feel that the purpose of having conversations online if to communicate with new people and build a community that your can then learn from. I feel that when your are a host your have a certain responsibility that you have to almost follow because you are in fact the person who is running the show. A good host should be nice and welcoming to new people who are barely coming into this new found community.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Speak up when you feel that it is necessary. I think that if it means something to you then it is a responsibility but then if you don't want to it is an inconvenience. I think that some one should do it for both. Yes they should. No because then you can be called out for ruining something.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

VOCAB 6 element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non-genetic means, especially imitation. Memes can be really fun and really stupid.
2.virus-an ineffective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host.
Dr. Preston made me think differently about viruses.  
of the nature of, caused by, or relating to a virus or viruses.
Becoming viral is some times really bad. regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
I have a blog and your looking at it.
a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.
Our history teachers don't want us to use wiki.
6.URL-a address of a world wide web page
We use URLS all the time
a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide Web.
We use websites all the time like it is nothing.
8. www-
an information system on the Internet that allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another.
The world wide web is to long to say so we say www.
 The global communication network that allows almost all computers worldwide to connect and exchange information. Some of the early impetus for such a network came from the U.S. government network Arpanet, starting in the 1960s.
Everyone love the internet but doesn't know what it means.

10. 2.0-used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept, product, service, etc
We can use a 2.0 type of system.
11. open source-denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.
We use open source learning in our English class.

Monday, October 10, 2016


We all know Donald Trump is a venomous person. In the other hand Hillary is a Stolid person compared to Trump. Trump looked hypnotized during the debate. Trump shall be suspended. Trump transformed the debate into a joke. He accused people all the time. He starts to anticipate things. He plans to build a fringe between Mexico and the U.S. He makes people feel melancholy. trump never speaks earnestly. That's why he always gets dissolved.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


1. A young Englishman named Jonathan Harker travels through Transylvania on a business trip. He is there to aid Count Dracula, a Transylvanian nobleman, in buying an English estate.
2. One of the themes of Dracula is foreignness because Dracula is not human and that is the challenge that Johnathan has to face.
3.I feel that Bran Strocker wakes up late and sleeps during that day and he probably drinks tea instead of coffee. He probably wishes he wasn't hungover and he probably doesn't even eat breakfast but if he did it would just be tea and crumpets. 
The impression I had was that we were leaving the West and entering the East

In the library I found, to my great delight, a vast number of English books, whole shelves full of them, and bound volumes of magazines and newspapers

"I long to go through the crowded streets of your mighty London, to be in the midst of the whirl and rush of humanity, to share its life, its change, its death, and all that makes it what it is."
Symbolism: Dracula ain't just about the paranoia that your neighbor might be a psycho. It's about the (hopefully more justified—we hope your neighbors are the kind you can borrow a cup of sugar from) paranoia that the British Empire was going the way of the dodo bird

Tone: here was something about them that made me uneasy, some longing and at the same time some deadly fear. I felt in my heart a wicked, burning desire that they would kiss me with those red lips. It is not good to note this down, lest some day it should meet Mina's eyes and cause her pain; but it is the truth. (3.29)

Narrative Point of View: Bram Stoker clearly lived by the ethos of "the more the merrier." There are definitely more narrators in this bad boy than in your average novel.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Dear mentor,
                  I would like to say if you had any advise for my big question in my English class. Which  is I feel that my big question would be do we chose a career path that means something that we would love to do or something that you hate but will give a lot of success? I would like to ask if you have been inside my situation where some one is telling you that you should do this while you don't even know what you would want to do. My mom for a long time have been telling me ideas about what i should do but for me i have no idea what  I want to do. For me i can't really tell what i would like to do because some people are telling me ideas that would get me some good money but for me i would like something that would let me do something that would make me feel happy and something that would make me happy. If you have any ideas on what i should do i would really like to hear them. Sometime i feel that there is nothing that i could do because some people like my cousin would chose a career and then get a job that is completely different then their major. I feel what people say don't really have an impact on me but when my mom gets angry at me for not knowing what i would want to do it gets aggregating but if you could tell me some ideas on what to find out that would be good.

Monday, October 3, 2016


  1. venomous- secreting venom; capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting. Snakes are the scariest venomous animals
  2. stolid-calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation. Some people can not be stolid for some time.
  3. hypnotized-capture the whole attention of (someone); fascinate. Being hypnotized is very weird and freaky.
  4. suspended-temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect. I have never been suspended from school.
  5. transformed-make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of. A form of transformation is someones hair style.
  6. accuse-
    charge (someone) with an offense or crime. I have never been accused for something bad.
  7. anticipate-regard as probable; expect or predict. Some people anticipate something great and get something bad
  8. fringe-an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing or material. There is a show called fringe.
  9. melancholy-a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. Some people feel melancholy for no reason
  10. earnestly-having a purpose and being steadily and soberly eager in pursuing it: Somepeople have a earnestly in life.
  11. dissolve- become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution. We use dissolve things in chemistry.
  12. aggravate-make (a problem, injury, or offense) worse or more serious. Some people get aggravated why too easily.
  13. illuminate-light up. Little kids become illuminate for toys.
  14. capillary-of or relating to capillaries or capillarity. I dont really understand capillary.
  15. proboscis-the nose of a mammal.  A person can be called proboscis.

Friday, September 30, 2016


For me, music has been something that I have loved ever since I was little. I remember when my dad showed me people like The Beatles and older things like that. Also I feel that my sister is probably my biggest person who showed my some of my favorite bands : Linkin Park, Korn,Papa Roach,Green Day, My Chemical Romance and etc. I have also found some music myself such as bands like : Slipknot, Atreyu, Avenged Sevenfold, Hollywood Undead, and more. I feel that the music that I like has a bad reputation because some people think that people who listens to aggressive music are just angry and mean but that's not true. I have also fell in love with punk this year. I found out about Blink 182, I rediscovered Green Day with the music they have put out for their new album, one of my favorite band every now is A Day To Remember with is a mix of hardcore and pop punk. I have this relationship with music that tons of people have that it gets you through bad times and that is what i believe music should be. During freshman year, my grandpa passed away and when I listened to music it made things better.

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Some time I think that certain authority figures can be very trust worthy and nice but sometimes there are some that give people fear. I can understand when people say that they are afraid of the cops because they fell that the way they look could give police a reason to have fear and think that they will do something wrong. I think that military are very inspirational because they are risking their lives for us so I feel that anyone who goes to war is very respectable. When it comes to teachers I think that many people have different views on. I think that some people just don't like teachers cause their teachers while others enjoy someone who wants to help them with their education. Some of the people that I respect in authority are like my first and second grade teachers and some of my parents friends that serve in the army or are cops. Also some of my teachers in high school i have hate while others i really like. I haven't really played a lot of spots but I can see that some may say that coaches are authority figures but some how i have had nice coaches but sometimes i see some coaches that just yell and cuss at the players that they are trying to make better and its like how will you get respect from some people by doing that. The police are some times really scary because of the news and when I see that there is police brutality it is almost like how could we trust people who kill people who do nothing wrong but also the media makes it seem way worse then it really is.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


The inciting incident in this story is when the main character Lenard Mead is stopped by a police car and is intargated by a machine that thought it was suspicious that he was walking out at night.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Mistakes for president

I feel that the debt was these canidates who by the people's stand point have extreme trust issues. I feel that some of them just started to ramble about random things to get away from the real point that the other was trying to create

Monday, September 26, 2016


My yoda  is my mom because she is just a big inspiration to me because she had to come from a third world country and she went to college and had to work on another island in the Philippines to provide food and clothes for my sister who was being token care by my grandparents


Why do we have Donald Trump , a giant ego maniac with a lot of money , and Hilary Clinton, a person who is known to lie and slip her way out of being known as a bad person, as our presidential candidates? Just why I don't understand especially if in the us we have so many people that this was the best we could come up with. It just boggles my mind how 2 of the most untrustworthy people could be the people who could run our country.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

My First impressions on the Pedestrian

My first thoughts on this story is that it is about a guy who is just alone in this far off distant future where things have just gone to crap.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

My Big Question

I feel that my big question would be do we chose a career path that means something that we would love to do or something that you hate but will give a lot of success?

Monday, September 19, 2016


1.intermittent- not continuous or steady.
I think that a intermittent streak of turning in homework is good.

gradually lessen or reduce
It is bad when your hair becomes ebb.

return to a former or less developed state
I have to regress why i have to go to school.

an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior.
You can use tendency when you are feeling sad or depressed.

scrupulously clean or pure, especially so as to be bland or characterless.
My mom thinks that she is a antiseptic but really everyone isn't and can't.


1. i can't really take extreme excoriation by people.
2. A little kid can be so carping when it comes to anything.
3. I feel that i am a very taciturn at times.
4. In a debate being intransigent is so good.
5. Sometimes when i am with my mom i use temporize so i can get to school a little late.
6. I used to be coherent when i was a freshman.
7. Some music can be so banal because its all the same.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


1. coherent-logical and consistent.
I think that a story needs to be fairly coherent

2. belabor-argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive detail.
My mom and sister used to belabor so much.

3.eschew-deliberately avoid using; abstain from.
Sometimes people who like each other tend to eschew each other.

4. emulate-match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.
My sister's boyfriend was very emulated by my dad.

5. acquisitive- excessively interested in acquiring money or material things.
In other word i could use acquisitive as someone who is greedy
6. banal-so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
some people are every banal kind of writers

7. excoriation- 
 harsh criticism
Some people can't really take excoriation

8. congeal- 
solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling.
congeal is more like a science term than a english one.

9. carping-
difficult to please; critical.
some movies can have extreme carping by critics.

10. substantiate-
provide evidence to support or prove the truth of.
I think that being substaniate being very truth full

11. temporize-
avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time
Being temporize is almost like being a coward.

12. largesse-
generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others.
I believe that being largess is cool but has some limitations.\

13, tenable-
able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
Being tenable is being brave.

14. insatiable- 
impossible to satisfy.
My sister can sometimes be insatiable.

15. reconnaissance- 
military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features.
the military uses reconnaissance on enemies.

16. germane-
relevant to a subject under consideration.
Some times people can be the exact opposite of germane. 

17. ramify- 
form branches or offshoots; spread or branch out.
To be ramify i feel like you have to be out going.

18. intransigent-
unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.
sometime i think that i could be intransigent about things that i care about.

19. taciturn-
reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
I can be very taciturn at times but only if i am board.

Monday, September 12, 2016


I got an A- on my essay and i thought that it would have been lower because i didn't really read Young Goodman Brown but i did read the earth on turtle's back all the way. I guess i agree with it because i wrote a lot but i don't want to sound cocky. I don't really know like a B on the first quiz and i think maybe an A on the other one i forgot to get my paper in class today. I think that if the journals and the blogs count i think that i would have like and A/A- i cant really tell.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


I thinks that since Preston keeps getting on us about posting on the blog so i think that i need to start posting.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Literature Analysis # 1

  1. Briefly summarize the plot of the novel.
The story of the book is a soldier who was put into the war and every time he dies he just keeps waking up the same morning that he started. 

2.Succinctly describe the theme of the novel.  Avoid cliches.  

the theme of the story is that even the weak can become strong and over come big problems.

3.Based on the author's tone, describe how you imagine the author's morning routine.  Does s/he get up early or sleep late?  Coffee, tea, or no caffeine?  Yoga/meditation/exercise?  Groggily stumble to the toilet and wish s/he wasn't so hungover?  Breakfast?  If so, what kind of food?  No, I am not kidding.  There is no shortcut for this, only your own imaginative thinking based on how you read his/her work and interpret his/her tone.  Include no fewer than three (3) excerpts from the text that illustrate your points.

I think that the author gets up late and sleeps late and drinks tea. He probably uses meditation. I think that he wouldn't drink too much to have to run to the toilet. He probably just goes without breakfast because he wakes up so late.

4.Describe five (5) literary techniques you observed that strengthened your understanding of the theme and/or your sense of the tone.  These techniques may include characterization, figurative language, or anything else you've ever studied.  If you can't come up with five, do your best to remember and then look up "literary techniques" online and see if something rings a bell.  Include three (3) excerpts for each technique that will help your reader understand the technique and how it helped you gain insight.

I think that when he used foreshadowing it helped me understand what was going to happen. Also when he used metaphors for death such as loop for death. " How was your loop moments?"
"We just meet like 4 days ago but i know you" "I know every day will just be the same"  

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Vocab Definitions and Sentences #2

1. faith-complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
I have faith in myself that i can get good grades this year.

2. threshold-a strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room.
Our threshold can be anywhere that we call our own.

3. tarry-to linger or take a long time going some place
My sister  is almost super tarry because she is so slow

4. resolve-settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter).
In almost every day of our lives we have to resolve something.

5. discern-perceive or recognize (something).
We are able to discern a whole bunch of things though our lives.

6. martyr-kill (someone) because of their beliefs.
Being a martyr is a horrible thing.

7. mirth-amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.
We use mirth all the time.

8. catechism-a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the instruction of Christians.
I went through catechism when I was younger.

9. pious-devoutly religious.
My mom could be considered as someone who is pious.

10. frenzy-a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior.
When we had the rally it was a complete frenzy.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

YGB questions

1. I think that Hawthorne wanted to tell this story about the place where he came from and what was happening during the time.

2. I agree with him because he thinks that anything he does is possible for his wife to be good and loving with good health.

3. I think that the pink ribbons signify that she is different then anyone else.

4.I think that it was a dream it didn’t seem like that could happen to me even though it is a story. “Faith, with the pink ribbons, gazing anxiously forth, and bursting into such joy at sight of him that she skipped along the street and almost kissed her husband before the whole village.” In that moment if thought that it was just a dream.

5. I think that the old man was just a person the Young Goodman Brown just thought of to make his journey easier.

6.I think that the staff represented his mind because of wanting to believe everything he was thinking and in the end not being true.

7.I think that by going in to the forest can caused a different thing between his wife and him because things could happen when they are not together. I also think that it would be better if they stayed together they would be together and happy in the end. I think that he would trust her even more if they were together because they can watch over each other and have each other to solve anything they have.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Young Goodman Brown

My first impression is that this is a story about a person who doesn't want to leave his family but for some odd reason also wants to leave to go and find himself

Conscience of a hacker

My first impression on this essay is that this person is someone who has a voice wants to be noticed and not just be described as some average person who is just the same as every one else

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Socratic Seminar #1

So nothing would be original and do nothing will be translated the same as when it was fist told

Some word could have Beene changed or left out as time went on

When it was first written the translations might have been off

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ancient Stories

1. The language in this story is very simple and not hard to say which makes it more like our every day language

2. If a story is told exactly word for word it means that the authors original vision is still there and it makes it so more people will know it because it is exactly how someone who is older would remember it

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Earth in The Turtle's Back response

I felt that the earth on the turtles back was a cool story about people coming to earth. I also thought that it was smart how they made the human from the sky and the animals from the water.

Monday, August 15, 2016


Welcome to my blog, this blog thing is kinda confusing but I will give it a try.
I like to skate and listen to music.

I can resite the first stanza of Richard Cory and I think that it's is about a guys who gives off the message that he is very happy and living a good life but really he is so depressed that he kills himself

The right to your opinion it wouldn't open and I tried it like 4 times and it still isn't working